FlexCP/FlexCPe Platform
Flexible Configurable PXI(Express) Platform
The idea
The concept of the Flexible Configurable PXI(e)
Platform FlexCP(e)P arised by the results of
a customer survey. In the first step all interviewed
persons were asked about the needed
specification for digitizers and arbitrary generators
based on PXI or PXIe.
The requirements were extremly versatile.
Therefore a concept was designed which fullfilled
most specifications and is time and cost
effective to realize.

The concept
A FlexCP(e)P baseboard for the usual PXI
mainframe is able to carry up to 2 independent
function modules. The communication
between baseboard and modules is realized
by an universal serial interface.
To use the advantage of the isolated technology
it is possible to place two DC/DC
modules upon two function modules. In that
case, there are two logically separated and
galvanic isolated modules available.
In case of a isolated application the modules
are directly supplied by the PXI backplane.
With the internal trigger bus different trigger
options are possible, i. e. separated or
common trigger.

Example configuration of a PXI ArbGen with an expanded function module
The advantages of FlexCPP
- To realize a time and cost optimized custom design it is only neccessary to develop the function module.
- An essential advantage is the possibility to combine different function modules in one PXI(e) unit, i. e. one digitizer and one arbitrary generator.
- The realisation of product families is more cost effective, i. e. digitizer (16 Bit/100 MS, 12 Bit/250 MS, 10 Bit/1 GS).
- With one baseboard, the digitizer module, the arbitrary generator module and the DC/DC module it is possible to create 9 different devices.
- Function modules developed for FlexCVP can be used.

1 channel isolated Digitizer and
1 channel isolated ArbGen in 1 3U PXI(e) slot